Basic Setup

Processing with AI

As part of the course, we use many online services to communicate and practice the methods and techniques taught. These services mostly require us to create an account in order to use the features we are interested in.

In some cases that we will indicate, you will absolutely have to use your emlyon address.

Essential Tools

A computer

This one may sound obvious to some people, but some of you are reading this article on your phone or tablet. You're going to learn how to design projects using web technologies, and coding them will require to access unusual characters like <>/*+-=()[]{}

#ProTip: On MacOS, you can write brackets { by pressing shift+( keys, and square brackets [ by pressing option+shift+(.
On PC, you need to use the AltGr key in combination with the key showing the character you want.

You can access computers at the makers' lab.

A modern web browser

This one will be our main tool. Browsers implement standards differently at different paces, we need a browser that supports modern web standards. In addition to making sure that what you'll code in your browser will look the same in others' browsers, we'll have access to nice tools to help us during our projects.

You can choose either Chrome or Firefox.

If you already have it installed, make sure it is up to date: Chrome version 75 or more / Firefox version 68 or more.
You can click on your browser's menu in the top right corner → "Help""About Google Chrome / Firefox".

Communication tools

Although all the course content is available online, you are not alone in front of your computer to take this course. We use Slack, a modern and professional instant messaging tool, for written communication, and Zoom for videoconférencing.

Slack for written communication

Create your account by following the directions below:

  1. Click here to open the account creation page ;
  2. On this page, click at the top right on create an account ;
  3. Fill in your email address em lyon ;
  4. After clicking Continue, you will need to validate your email by clicking on the link that will be sent to your em lyon email address.
  5. For more efficiency, you can install Slack on your computer and on your phone

From now on, you will find an “Ask on Slack" button in the bottom-right corner ↘️ of every page of this course, and you can use it to ask for help anytime.

We will use Slack exclusively for written communication.

  • The #general channel is only used by us for informations.
  • The channels named like the assignments (#Datasets for example) are dedicated to your questions.
  • The #aléatoire channel is made for your technical, administrative questions… but also anything that doesn't fit elsewhere.
  • For personal problems only, you can contact us with private messages.


Zoom is a videoconferencing tool that will allow you to meet your tutor and the other members of your group at each step of your project. You'll have to use it every week to meet your tutor. Start by installing Zoom for Mac, Windows, or Linux and login with your emlyon address.

You can use Zoom as a group at any time to chat in video and share your screens: type /zoom in your Slack group channel, a button will appear in the channel to join a Zoom room.

When launching a Zoom room for the first time, you will have to validate your account by clicking on the "Authorize Zoom" link, then connect with SSO ("Sign in with SSO").
→ In the field "Your company domain", enter "em-lyon".
→ Finally, authenticate on the emlyon portal.

For the practical exercises

Notion for assignments

Notion is an online note-taking and content organization software that allows you to work alone and in teams on the same project.

You will be required to turn in project-related assignments for each part of the course in the form of a Notion document, the URL of which you will share with us.

Create your account by following the directions below:

  1. Click here to create your account using your em lyon email address ;
  2. After clicking on "Continue with email"you will receive a code that you will need to fill in on the account creation page;
  3. Choose the "For myself" option (not "With my team" !).

By default, Notion only allows to upload files whose size is less than 5 Mb. To remove this limitation, you must be registered with your emlyon email address and activate your education pro account. Follow the instructions on the following video to upgrade your account.

Kaggle for datasets

Kaggle makes community-produced datasets available to everyone for free. However, it requires you to create an account in order to download them.

Create an account on Kaggle by following the directions below:.

  1. Click here to create an account with your email;
  2. Click on the link received by email to finalize your registration.

Beware! It frequently happens that the confirmation email arrives in spam or even not at all. In this case, you can try logging in with another email address or even using the connection with Google.

Runway ML

RunwayML is a web service that allows users to discover and create with artificial intelligence. You will find a ton of already functional models and you will be able to use them online or locally on your computer for your projects.

Click 👉 right here 👈 and create your account with your email address.

Runway confirmation email tends to end up in your spam folder if you're using an address 😉

p5.js for JavaScript development

p5.js is a JavaScript library for coding, it is free and open-source. You can find here a cheat sheet to help you find all the functions you will probably need.

p5.js provides a free online code editor for developing and sharing JavaScript projects in the browser for free.

Click right here and create an account.

That's it for the setup of this course, let's answer this big question: What is Artificial Intelligence?