Runway ML

Processing with AI

In this module, you will discover RunwayML, a software that enables you to run state of the art artificial intelligence models without using any code. By using it, you will be able to discover quickly what AI can do nowadays.

Everybody gets a model

I'm gonna run away and open up my mind

Runway is an online software, that enables you to run a lot of models without using code. By using Runway, you will be able to quickly discover new models that would otherwise require a complex setup, a powerful computer, and sometimes waiting for hours (or even days) for the model to (re)train.

Runway is also available as a desktop application (on Windows, MacOS & Linux), which can be useful if it's too slow online. You can download it here.

Runway is already installed on every makers' labs computers!

Start by watching this video explaining how to install and use Runway, by The Coding Train:

Since this video was filmed, an online version of Runway was released.
You can use it online : you simply need to create an account.

You can even go further by chaining models directly in Runway by using the output of a model as an input for another model. In fact, you can chain together more models as long as the data types are the same for the input and output.

If you want to make better prototypes, you can also use model outputs as inputs for other models or in other programs. To reuse model outputs in other programs, documentation on different coding platforms is available to help you : p5.js, Javascript or, Unity for example.

Using the output of a text generation model to automatically create pictures.

Where do you run?

When using Runway, you can run the models locally if you downloaded them or using cloud-based GPU.

A cloud-based what?

  • A GPU is a type of micro-controller that was originally developed to compute images for rendering purposes (think video games or movies). Thanks to the specific way in which they use maths, they are much faster than traditional CPU when training or using Machine Learning models.
  • Cloud computing is the on-demand availability of computing power or storage. In a nutshell, it enables you to use another computer through the Internet. You can use cloud computing to store large files or do complex maths that exceed your computer abilities for example.

Is Runway free to use?

The desktop version, depending on the computer you have and the models you are running, does not provide you with all the options. It's up to you to find the balance between using your credits to run models faster and running them locally for free (but slowly).

When you create your account, you get a free credit of 10$. You will need this credit to run the models on the cloud ($0.05 / minute). With this amount, you can run the models for about 3 hours and 20 minutes.

That's why, if you use Runway on the makers'labs computers, don't forget to disconnect your account when you're done!

In any case, don't lose credits by running a model that you are not currently using!


  1. Explore and test the available models on Runway and find one that you like
  2. Think of an application that uses it (a problem to solve, a type of user that would benefit from it, etc.)

Student projects

To help you find some inspiration and a better understanding of what we are expecting from you, here are some of the best videos from previous terms: